sailing workshop
대한요트협회|2004-04-01|조회수: 5696
제목 없음 싱가폴 장애인스포츠위원회가 아래와 같이 세일링워크샵을 개최합니다.
- 기 간 : 2004년 5월 21-23
- 장 소 : 싱가폴 창이세일링클럽
- 참가비 : US$200 (2인 1실 기준, 기간 중 식사, 현지교통포함)
- 추가 체재비 : 하루 US$80
자세한 내용은 아래 공문 및 첨부 자료를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Sailing Workshop
We are very pleased to inform you that the Singapore Disability Sports Council will be organising a sailing workshop.We would like to invite your sailors, coaches, officials and welcome you to our country for this workshop from 21 to 23 May 2004 in Singapore.
Your participation in this workshop will enhance the promotion of sailing and human resource development especially in coaching and technical expertise in this region.
The course information and registration forms are enclosed for your necessary action.
Your prompt response indicating your interest to participate in this workshop will be very much appreciated.
We look forward to hearing from your soon and seeing you in Singapore.
Should you have any inquiries or need more information, please feel free to contact us at (65) 342 3560 or email:alan.tan@sdsc.org.sg
With our warmest regards.
Frankie Thanapal Sinniah, PBM
Sailability Singapore
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